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Have you ever had one of those days or times where it feels like your brain has hit a blank wall? You’re staring at the screen, the page, or the project, and it seems like all the ideas and creativity has vanished. It’s that frustrating moment when your mind is as blank as the wall you’re metaphorically banging your head against.

I had one of those ‘several’ days recently. No matter how hard I tried, nothing was coming together. It felt like all the energy and inspiration had drained away, leaving me feeling stuck and, frankly, a little defeated. The frustration was real!

But then, I decided to do something radical: I took a break. Yes, I walked away from the blank wall and did something completely different. I went to Wimbledon!

Those who know me well, know I love tennis and Wimbledon is well, so beautiful, with the added benefit of some great tennis to watch. I lost myself in the men’s semi-finals and was equally enthralled and disappointed by the men’s final. Watching Alcaraz playing so sublimely only accentuated the contrast with Djokovic’ lack of performance. Whatever it was, the change worked for me!

Taking that time out was like hitting the refresh button on my brain. I am now back at my desk and slowly but surely, the ideas have started to flow again. I can almost feel the creative juices bubbling back up, like a kettle reaching a boil. The energy has returned, and suddenly, the wall isn’t so blank anymore. Solutions and concepts begin to appear, and the project that once felt impossible has started to come together beautifully.

It’s funny how a little break can make such a big difference. Sometimes, stepping away is exactly what we need to come back stronger and more inspired. So, next time you find yourself up against that blank wall, remember: it’s okay to take a breather. Your best ideas might be waiting just on the other side. Perhaps Djokovic just needs a break, and right now he is trying too hard…